Τρίτη 1 Φεβρουαρίου 2022

2022 - predictions about your personal life during the year of the water tiger - Chinese astrology

2022 - personal life predictions for the year of the water tiger - Chinese astrology

written by Feng Shui Master Georgia Kiafi

This article is actually a continuation of my predictions about the year of the water tiger 2022 but it goes more into a personal level. It will give you a highlight of what is ahead during 2022 depending on your year of birth and the day of birth. 

Just for reference, I would like to point out that for the method called "4 pillars of destiny" (also known as Ba Zi or 8 characters), and also for Feng Shui, we use the solar calendar. That means that 2022, the year of water tiger, it will start on the 4th of February 2022. The year of the water tiger will not start on the 1st February 2022, 1st of February its the Lunar New Year and its a chinese festival. 

2021 was the year of the metal ox and a "grave" year, as ox is known as the grave or storage of yin metal. So during 2021 many couples separated or divorces, many people felt lonely as earth is an element that is more of enclosed and meditating mood. Also 2021 was a year where many women were murdered (yin metal energy is like a dagger). 

In 2021 people were harsh and cold inside. We were not in a mood to do much. It was as if we were stuck in the winter wet mud.

In 2022 things will change. We are passing from the winter period of a series of years (2019-2021) into the spring period of a series of years (2022-2025). We are getting into the spring, spring is dominated by wood element, spring is about growth, new beginnings and hope.

As tiger in Chinese astrology is a travelling horse, I expect that in 2022 we will travel more. We will start doing new things, and we will move our lives forward by taking action.  As yang water is the heavenly stem of the year 2022 (energy from heaven) will we be more open and straight forward.

Water is about movement, wood is about growth and hope. The fire that is hiding inside the tiger will give use optimism, the joy and happiness in our lives is born.

Ok, some of use will be angry about things that happened to us (I am sure we will have our reasons) and there will still be fear about different issues for some months. We will however speak openly about out bothers us, which is a great thing.

At least life moves again, its a new beginning. You might start a new relationship, move to a new house, or to start a new job in 2022, depending on your day master. It is not a happy year yet, but its a year that we can build up new things.

Many of us will start fitness and taking care of our body, it will be more easy to lose the extra kilos as well. 

If you are born in the year or the day of yin metal (yin metal years are those with ending 1), in 2022 you will enjoy the help of the nobleman star. Because you will have a helping hand from the universe, so its good to start new projects and go forward with your life. 

 If you are born in the year of the tiger, you are offending the Grand Duke. Its wrong to believe that this is your year, as it is not a good thing to offend the most powerful energy of the year. Do not travel against the direction of the tiger (a sector of NE). Have with you a talisman especially made for the water tiger year, or carry with you a pig pendant. If you cannot find a tiny pig object made of stone or metal, you may just print out the image of a pig, make it plastic to protect it, and have with you at all times (eg in your pocket or your wallet).

If you are having a monkey in your chart, you will experience a clash in your chart.Clash brings changes, so it is good to make changes, move house, move job, find a new job, travel, change your life.

If the monkey clash happens in the year, it will affect your immediate society circle. If the monkey is in your month pillar in your 4 pillars, it will affect your parents. If you have a monkey in the day, it will affect your love relationship. If in the hour, it will affect your children or pets. 

A tiger monkey clash is related to traffic accidents, so be careful of traffic accidents. Also do not do any dangerous sports eg related to air, sports with high speed, parachuting (fire), avoid fast cars and racing...

It is good to carry a pig pendant if you have a monkey in your chart. 

If you have a fire penalty in your chart (if you have the tiger, monkey and snake in any of your 4 pillars, luck pillar or even the current year of the tiger), you might experience irritation and worries in the sector of the life where the penalty is located (eg if its on the day it will affect your love life). Also watch out for fire related health issues as well (heart, veins, circulation, brain, inflammations) and of course be careful with hot water, electricity and anything that can burn you. 

If you are born in the year or day of the rabbit, you can enjoy romance in 2022 as for the rabbits the tiger is a flower of romance. It will bring you better social life, meeting the opposite sex, and if you are salesperson or someone that makes money by having good relations with people, 2022 could help you charm the others. 2022 can also improve your sexual life.  

Any babies born in the year 2022 will enjoy the benefits of "academic star". Academic star is a symbolic star in Chinese astrology that help people during their whole life to achieve any kind of academic or intellectual excellence (art, cooking, writing books, etc).

If you want to find out exactly what the new year 2022 will bring into your life, I suggest that we do a personal consultation, taking into account your complete birth data. This way you can make the best choices possible.  


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